Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter At The HaynesHeads!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Off to Church! Pretty spiffy shoes, huh?!
Do you like my hat?

I thought and thought and thought and thought....but I can't get the connection between this large bunny, eggs, and the resurrection of Jesus.......but the bunny was nice and I had a good time at the mall....I'll figure the other stuff out later.
Happy Easter from the HaynesHeads!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And what did YOU have for dinner!?!

I had..........a little bit of turkey and rice......
......some guava (whatever the heck that is!)....
......some of mommy's eggplant.............and finally.....some of daddy's chicken quesadillas....
CUZ I GOT TEEFERS NOW!!!!! Tell the truth---do I look better with, or without.....my dinner on my face!??!

Monday, March 17, 2008

How IS everybody?!?

So....just hangin' out in my chair waitin' for some food...... ....not sure what it is they want me to eat....
...but I had to wash it down with a drink from my
....me and Kairst havin' a couple crackers......

....then I threw up all over daddy, but I slipped and fell
face-first into it!! YUK!!!!
....so I had to get all cleaned up....I LOVE MY BUBBLE BAFFERS!!!
....I do this just to make mommy laugh!
So after all that excitement it was time to chill....just relaxin' a little before night-night......
That was my day----how was yours ??
Talk to you later!! Thanks for stoppin' by! :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

THIS is what I've been Waiting For??!!?!

Not to be a baby or anything---wait---that doesn't make sense--
I AM a baby!! Whatever...

ANYWAY....in case all you adults forgot.....this gettin' teefers stuff HURTS!!
You think I like slobberin' all over myself?! And that ORA-GEL stuff---YUK!!
I'll pull the darn things out myself if I have to........

Did I mention that I'M NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!!!
All that for 2 little teefers?! And I've got to do this HOW many more times??! YIKES!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Daddy was right! Tyler Shaved his head AND his legs right before the big district swim meet!!!Tyler was stalking the competition....hangin' out before his race.....
Monica was there cheerin' for her lil' bro'.........
Gettin' on the "game face".....
"You talkin' to ME?!" "Are YOU talkin' to ME?!"
Told you I'd whup your butt!!

Tyler did great! He won his heat and beat his best time by 3 seconds! The team got 1st place in the district meet. My brother was CRAZY happy!!! Now that I got teefers maybe he'll teach me how to swim! No-wait---that was the food discussion....never mind!