Monday, March 10, 2008

THIS is what I've been Waiting For??!!?!

Not to be a baby or anything---wait---that doesn't make sense--
I AM a baby!! Whatever... case all you adults forgot.....this gettin' teefers stuff HURTS!!
You think I like slobberin' all over myself?! And that ORA-GEL stuff---YUK!!
I'll pull the darn things out myself if I have to........

Did I mention that I'M NOT VERY HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!!!
All that for 2 little teefers?! And I've got to do this HOW many more times??! YIKES!!!


Julie Madera said...

Awww, Hollyn, it'll be okay. A few years down the road it will all be worth it and you won't even remember all that pain!
Great job on the new teefers! :-)

Sue Haynes said...

Hey sweetie, it will get better. Not to bring you down, but when these fall out you get to do this all again! They make your smile so pretty though... but you're pretty to begin with!

Kristy said...

I feel bad giggling at how adorable you are- even through all your painful new little teeth, you are too cute! Ask Mommy and Daddy for those yummy popsicles=)