Wednesday, March 19, 2008

And what did YOU have for dinner!?!

I had..........a little bit of turkey and rice......
......some guava (whatever the heck that is!)....
......some of mommy's eggplant.............and finally.....some of daddy's chicken quesadillas....
CUZ I GOT TEEFERS NOW!!!!! Tell the truth---do I look better with, or dinner on my face!??!


Julie Madera said...

Little Hollyn, you're gorgeous either way! Can't wait to hold you! :-)

Sue Haynes said...

Baby girl, you could be covered in mud from head to toe and still be beautiful to me. I miss you and the whole family sooooo much. I watched it snow 11.5 inches last night and was sitting in the dark , remembering all of you and missing you. Have a wonderful first easter. Tell daddy not to forget the chocolate chips leading away from you Easter basket. I'll let him tell you that story!
Aunt Sue