LOOK---Kairst is smiling!! No more braces!!! AND she is such a good cheerleader! It looks like so much FUN!! Mommy said I can't jump on the furniture OR the trampoline OR wear stars on my face yet...... :(
I have to wait til I get teefers. No--wait--that's the whole food discussion....never mind!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
RAH RAH SIS (get it?!) BOOM BAH!!!!!
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 7:44 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
Hey!!! What's with the hair, Tyler?!?!
Allright.....so I'm tryin' to get the thing about boys--'specially teenagers--but I gotta say I was a bit surprised by what I saw.....Don't be nervous about him--it's "just a guy thing" on the swim team!! What's next?! Shaving your head??!! (Daddy said legs too??!!!)
Yes...THIS is my big brother.....I'm so proud!
One of his buds....
...and all the Senior boys at their last home meet....
...very serious when he swims.....
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 7:55 PM 3 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandpa Haynes!
I think grandpa sounds pretty cool....

Happy Happy Day Grandpa!!
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 6:24 AM 5 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
This is what daddy came home to on his big day!
He does like his hat.... (?)
Daddy said somethin' like "Go take a BIG LEAP yourself!!!"
And then he said, "Leap THIS!!!" (Mommy said "Hey--the baby's listening!" Leap what?? I was confused.)
Do you like this hat?!
Mokie was at school and couldn't come tease daddy so Tyler
had to do extra teasing... ;( Is daddy gettin' shorter in his old age?!
Kairstin and Krista decorated the whole house with balloons-n-stuff!Daddy said this is what happens to bad frogs who accuse people of being old.
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 6:22 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Daddy looks Soooo handsome in his new birthday hat:)
Happy 50th----- I Love You!
"Do You Like my hat?" " I do, I like it! I like that party hat!" :>
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 5:36 AM 6 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
What a great way to start the New Year!!!!
What a busy couple days! Daddy took our guests to do some "touristy" stuff, we had a big party on January 1st, and daddy got a special cake that I'm not sure he liked very much!! Mommy said that my family is even way bigger than this! Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, California---they're all over the place!!! I can't wait to meet everybody else!
Finally--mommy, daddy and all us kids....same place-same time!!!
That made me VERY happy!!
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 8:20 PM 1 comments
More Christmas Fun!!
On Saturday after Christmas we went to NJ to hang out with the gang...we even got more presents! It was, as daddy says, a blast!! I was bummed that Krista and my cousin Ashley couldn't be at the party---maybe next time!!! My sister and my cousin Brian.... Do you like his hat??
" Chuck Taylors"??!! What are they and why are they on my feet?!
What a bunch of cousins! We had fun hangin' out.....
Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Colleen, Mike, Michelle, and Megan
Mommy was the WII Queen! (That's what she said--Kairst said, "HA HA!!"
Tyler's not happy about something.......
....and neither is Jackie.....something about Aunt Chrissy and
that #@*! camera!! Mommy and Aunt Heather.......
Lots of good food.....for grown-ups (I know, I know--"when I get teefers......")
Uncle Brian, Aunt Heather, Jackie, Brian, and Rylee
Posted by Hollyn Patricia Haynes at 9:42 AM 0 comments