Thursday, January 17, 2008


This is what daddy came home to on his big day!
He does like his hat.... (?)
Daddy said somethin' like "Go take a BIG LEAP yourself!!!"
And then he said, "Leap THIS!!!" (Mommy said "Hey--the baby's listening!" Leap what?? I was confused.)

Do you like this hat?!

Mokie was at school and couldn't come tease daddy so Tyler
had to do extra teasing... ;(
Is daddy gettin' shorter in his old age?!
Kairstin and Krista decorated the whole house with balloons-n-stuff!Daddy said this is what happens to bad frogs who accuse people of being old.


Mrs. Eshbaugh said...

What a fun way to announce your big day!! :) Happy Birthday Uncle Brian!

Julie Madera said...

That is so funny! Good job Chris and Hollyn for getting him on his big day.
Chris-I love the comments about 'Leap this'....that's funny! :-) Looks like you all had an enjoyable day/night!

Kristy said...

I will never look at a frog in the same way again! :)