Me 'n mommy chillin'......
Thanks for buildin' this for me, daddy!!!!!
How 'bout THIS hat?!?!?!?!
Why didn't you tell me 'bout hoses before???!?!? How cool is this??!?!
Ya turn it on...wait for a minute... and VWALLLLA---water!!!
I don't know why I like this picture!!!
Uhhh....little help here??? This ball is pretty darn big!!!! (Hail Mary, mother of God....)
I'm so bright---I gotta wear shades!!!!!!
????!??!?!? Mommy and daddy had a date!!!!
Did I mention anything about my shades?!?!?
Aunt Pam and Uncle Bill visited---they are SOOOO fun!!!!
I played with Uncle Bill....and I don't play with just ANYBODY----he is awsome!!!
Is this a good hair day--or a bad hair day????!?!?!? Mommy and daddy have different answers!!!!
And finally.....my new "say cheese" face!!!
Ha ha!!
Sorry it's been a while---kinda busy---longest day of the year comin' up so maybe I'll stay up longer so I can post!!!!
What great pictures! I can't believe how big your getting Hollyn. I just LOVE your curls! :)
How cute is she?! I can't believe it's been almost a year since we've visited.
You, my dear, make my heart smile...
Wonderful pictures:)
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