Monday, December 22, 2008

A very special day.....'s that time of year again---CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!!!

Mommy's gettin' started very early....

Not at all sure why I have to sit way over here!!

The whole kitchen was a big fun mess!!

HA!! Finally out of the chair---I think I LOVE cookie dough!!!!

I got to decorate my own sugar cookies---thanks for helpin' me Kairst!!

The COOKIE CREW!! (That's what I call 'em!)
Hey---is that Betty Crocker at my table!?!?!?
Time to trim the tree----I got to do the low branches.... ...and Ashley got to put the star on top this year!
Another great day of cookies and tree trimmin'!!!
Thanks everybody!!


Julie Madera said...

MMMmmm, those look good...can you send some to Ohio?!
Hollyn, I love cookie dough too!
Aunt Mary's always yelling at me cause I always eat to much then there's never enough for cookies!

Kevin, Isabella, Jennifer Kramer said...

Got to love cookie dough. Bella loves all cookies - chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, cinnamon. Enjoy those treats and don't forget to leave some for Santa!