Saturday, November 24, 2007

HO HO HO!!!!!

Me and mommy and daddy went to the mall today---this funny man said I was cute!! And THEN he offered to bring me stuff---right to my house!!!! What's THAT about?! I think this bein' a kid gig is gonna work out OK!


Kristy said...

You look so hApPy. Congrats on a "no tears" photo! Luv ya:)

Kevin, Isabella, Jennifer Kramer said...

What a great Santa picture. I sure wish Isabella would sit on Santa's lap. You'll have to come over and show her how it's done!

Julie Madera said...

I love the Santa picture. I hope he brings you everythig you want! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing this blog. It's so nice to see what's going on with all of you and know you are all ok. Hollyn seems to be the "magic glue" that keeps everyone going on a full laugh all day long. She's beautiful!
Great Santa Memories!!!
Aunt Sue